
How to Choose The Best Sauna Heater

Huum Sauna Heater

Saunas have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering relaxation and numerous health benefits. When considering a sauna for your home or business, one crucial decision is choosing the right sauna heater. Electric and wood-burning sauna heaters are two popular options, each with its own advantages and requirements. In this article, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of both types, helping you decide which sauna heater is best suited to your needs.

Electric Sauna Heater

Electric sauna heaters are a modern and convenient choice for those looking to enjoy the benefits of a sauna without the hassle of tending to a fire. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Efficiency and Convenience: Electric sauna heaters are incredibly easy to use. With a simple flip of a switch, you can quickly heat your sauna to your desired temperature. No firewood or constant supervision is required, making it a hassle-free option.
  • Installation: Electric heaters are relatively straightforward to install. They require a dedicated electrical circuit, typically 220V, which may need professional installation. However, this installation is less complex compared to wood-burning options.
  • Cost: Electric sauna heaters are generally more expensive upfront compared to wood-burning heaters. However, they can be more cost-effective in the long run due to their energy efficiency.
  • Environmental Impact: Electric sauna heaters are considered more environmentally friendly, as they produce no emissions. They are a cleaner option for those concerned about air quality and sustainability.


  • Ease of Use: Electric sauna heaters are incredibly user-friendly. With a simple control panel, you can adjust temperature and time settings effortlessly.
  • Clean and Efficient: Electric heaters don't produce smoke or emissions. They are a clean, environmentally friendly option for your sauna.
  • Rapid Heating: Electric sauna heaters heat up quickly, so you can enjoy your sauna experience without a long wait.


  • Operating Costs: Electric heaters may lead to higher operating costs over time due to electricity consumption.
  • Initial Investment: Electric heaters often have a higher upfront cost than wood-burning models.
  • Dependence on Electricity: Electric heaters require a power source, which may not be suitable for remote locations or off-grid setups.

Wood Sauna Heaters

Wood-burning sauna heaters are a traditional and rustic choice that provides a unique sauna experience. Here's what you need to know:

  • Authentic Sauna Experience: Wood-burning heaters offer an authentic sauna experience with their crackling fire and natural wood scent. Many sauna enthusiasts prefer the traditional ambiance created by a wood-burning heater.

  • Installation: Installing a wood-burning sauna heater is more complex and typically requires professional assistance. You'll need a well-ventilated sauna room and a chimney for smoke extraction.

  • Cost: Wood-burning heaters are often more affordable initially but may be costlier to operate due to the ongoing expense of firewood.

  • Maintenance: Wood-burning sauna heaters require regular maintenance, such as cleaning ashes and tending to the fire. This might be enjoyable for some but can be considered a chore by others.


  • Traditional and Authentic: Wood-burning sauna heaters offer an authentic sauna experience. They provide that wonderful, rustic ambience with the sound and scent of crackling wood.

  • Cost-Effective: Wood is a cost-effective fuel source, making wood-burning heaters an economical choice over time.

  • Off-Grid Option: Wood-burning heaters can be a fantastic choice for saunas in remote locations where access to electricity may be limited.


  • Learning Curve: Operating a wood-burning sauna heater requires skill and knowledge. It can take some practice to achieve the desired temperature and maintain it.

  • Maintenance: Wood-burning heaters require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them in good working condition.

  • Emissions: While they provide that classic sauna experience, wood-burning heaters do produce emissions and require proper ventilation.

Which Sauna Heater is Best for You?

The choice between electric and wood-burning sauna heaters ultimately depends on your preferences, needs, and priorities:

Choose Electric If:

  • You value convenience and ease of use.
  • You prefer a cleaner and more environmentally friendly option.
  • You have a higher budget for the initial investment.

Choose Wood-Burning If:

  • You seek an authentic and rustic sauna experience.
  • You enjoy the process of tending to a fire.
  • You have a well-ventilated sauna room and are willing to invest time in installation and maintenance.

Electric Sauna Heater Maintenance

  1. Regular cleaning: Electric sauna heaters should be cleaned regularly to ensure that the heating element is functioning efficiently. You should remove any dirt or dust that has accumulated on the heater's surface and clean the heater's interior as well. Learn more about cleaning the sauna in our article.
  2. Check the wiring: Inspect the electrical wiring to ensure that there are no loose connections or damaged wires. It is essential to maintain the wiring of your electric sauna heater to avoid any electrical hazards.
  3. Replace broken parts: If any part of your electric sauna heater is broken or damaged, replace it immediately. This will ensure that the heater operates safely and efficiently.
  4. Replace the thermostat: If the thermostat of your electric sauna heater is not working correctly, you should replace it. A malfunctioning thermostat can cause the heater to overheat or not heat up at all.

Wood-Fired Sauna Heater Maintenance

  1. Clean the chimney: The chimney of your wood-fired sauna heater should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of creosote. Creosote buildup can cause a chimney fire.
  2. Clean the ash pan: The ash pan of your wood-fired sauna heater should be emptied regularly to ensure proper airflow. A buildup of ashes can cause the heater to malfunction.
  3. Check the door gasket: The door gasket of your wood-fired sauna heater should be inspected regularly to ensure that it is intact and functioning correctly. A faulty door gasket can cause the heater to operate inefficiently.
  4. Refuel regularly: You should add wood to your wood-fired sauna heater regularly to maintain a consistent temperature. It is essential to use dry, seasoned wood to avoid creating excess smoke or creosote buildup.

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HUUM DROP electric sauna heater

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Why Choose HUUM sauna heater by Superior Sauna USA

Superior Sauna USA offers an excellent solution for your sauna heater needs. Here's why we stand out:

  • Diverse Selection: We provide a wide range of electric and wood-burning sauna heaters, ensuring you have options to suit your preferences.
  • Quality and Durability: Our heaters are built to last, ensuring a long-lasting and reliable sauna experience.
  • Expertise: Superior Sauna USA has extensive knowledge and experience in sauna heaters. We can guide you to the right choice for your specific needs.
  • Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is always ready to assist you, whether you have questions or need assistance with installation.

Choosing between electric and wood-burning sauna heaters depends on your personal preferences, budget, and sauna setup. While electric heaters offer convenience and cleanliness, wood-burning heaters provide an authentic sauna experience. Superior Sauna USA's diverse selection and expertise can help you make the right choice, ensuring you enjoy the ultimate sauna experience in the comfort of your own space.

If you have any further questions about your sauna temperature or getting the most out of your sauna, our team is here to help! Please just give us a call at ‭+1 (475) 253-5559‬ or send us a message if you need any assistance in creating your dream sauna experience.

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